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Parshat Lech Lecha 5784

10/27/2023 03:13:47 PM


Transcribed by Stuie Wax

Keep On Moving  

It's so easy to do today what you did yesterday, and to do yesterday what you did the day before. You know friends, as far as I'm concerned, the saddest thing in the world is when you meet people today and you meet them ten years later and they haven't moved an inch. Basically, we are living in a society where people are standing still. People have two hundred PhD's hanging on the wall but they themselves haven't moved an inch. In fact when someone moves too fast, people think they are crazy because society expects certain things. It's as if you should maintain the same level of Jewishness, the same level of belief in G-d from after Bar Mitzvah until your dying day. Everything is the same, don't move.

 You know what G-d says to Avraham? "Lech Lecha." Avraham, you want to be a servant of G-d? Move, keep on moving. 
Let me share with you something very deep. A lot of people are moving; how do you know if they are moving in G-d's direction?
I'll tell you something. If you are moving in the direction of G-d, the more you move up, the closer you move to people. Don't tell me you moved so close to G-d and suddenly you are away from people.
I see it all the time. Sometimes i meet people and suddenly they become so religious and so holy, they don't talk to you anymore, because they moved, but you knowsomething? They moved backwards. If you walk on the street and every dirty human being you think is disgusting, and this one is ridiculous, this one is obnoxious., Then gevalt, you are walking backwards So I want to bless you and me and all of us, we should move forward.
And you know friends, it’s like this. If you are getting close to G-d you are getting closer to people.

 The holy Vorker says this is the acid test. If you want to know if you love G-d more, go out on the street. Are you blowing your mind over every human being you see who is created in G-d's image, If so, then you are okay, you really love G-d more. 
We all need so much to move closer to G-d, to move closer to people. But above all, Lech Lecha, keep on moving. Don't stop don't ever, ever stand still. Get closer to yourself, to the deepest depths of you, and closer to every human being in the world.

Good Shabbos!

Wed, May 8 2024 30 Nisan 5784