Parshas Vayishlach
01/08/2024 10:53:02 AM
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Holiday of Children
I want to share an unbelievable Torah from the Holy Ziditchover.
Esav finally met up with Ya’akov, and they made peace. So, Esav said to Ya’akov, “Let's go together.” Now friends, you have to realize that for that one moment, Esav and Ya’akov had reached such a high level, it was as if Moshiach had already come. Still Ya’akov said to Esav, “If it was just you and I, we could go together. But it's also my children and your children. They are not ready, the world isn't ready yet.’Until I come to my Lord, at Mount Se’ir.’” Yakov promised Esav, “Someday I'll come to your mountain, and we will walk again together.” Those words are just so beautiful.
What was really going on here?
Ya’akov told Esav that he could not go with him for two reasons. “L’regel hamelacha u’l’regel hayeladim.”
Everybody knows that “regel” means a holiday. So Ya’akov said to Esav, “You know, the truth is it will take a long time until I meet you again. But I want you to know, there are two kinds of holidays in the world, and because of them we will make it.”
“L’regel hamelacha,” there are holidays on which you are not permitted to work, Pesach, Shavuos and Succos. And then, “L’regel hayeladim,” there are holidays of the children, Chanukah and Purim. On Chanukah and Purim, God is shining this holiness which He gave to children. On Purim, we are all children. We get dressed up like crazy, we drink and we make ourselves like we are four years old. Do you know why? Because on Purim we taste the holiness with which we were born. I could have 15 PhDs, but on Purim I realize, are my PhDs what makes me special? I am special because God created me. I don't have to be an adult in order to be something. “I'm four years old”.
And when it comes to Chanukah, it's the same thing. Do you know who really knows what the Chanukah candles are all about? Our children. I have a nephew, and when he was little he was the cutest in the world. When he was three he came to my parents for Chanukah, and at that time I was still living at home. The day after Chanukah, we told him that Chanukah was over. He asked me please to dial his mother's number. I called my sister for him, and he began crying, “Please take me home. They refuse to kindle the lights again, but I have to light the candles. Bubby and Zeide just don't want to have Chanukah anymore, but I need to have it again.” I realized - gevalt, this little boy of three knows more about Chanukah than I will ever know. We think to ourselves that once the eight days are over, Chanukah is over, but he mamesh knows that Chanukah goes on forever.
So Yakov said to Esav - and it's also true for you and me - just because of these two kinds of holidays we will make it... The children will bring Moshiach, we will have to make it...
Good Shabbos!
Sat, October 12 2024
10 Tishrei 5785
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Sat, October 12 2024 10 Tishrei 5785